Foot and Ankle Medicine and Surgery
Christopher Chow DPM FACFAS | Susan Zhao DPM | Jack Yuan DPM

Our Services
Dr. Chow
has cared for numerous patients throughout his career as a foot doctor. There’s nothing more important than the health and comfort of his patients, and that’s why he dedicates a lot of his time and effort into advancing his medical practice and techniques. Please get in touch to schedule an initial consultation.
Area of Expertise

Surgical Management
Achilles Tendon Diseases
Big Toe Arthritis (Hallux Rigidus)
Bunion Repair - Minimal Incision (Hallux Valgus)
Flatfoot Deformity
Fractures (Broken Bones of the Foot)
Tendon Tears
Conservative Care
Amniotic Membrane Injections for Chronic Tendon Inflammation
Ultrasound-Guided Treatments
Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (EPAT)
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
Physical Therapy
Ultrasound Bone Stimulation for fractures

Chronic Heel Pain.

CLARIX FLO is an in-office injectable medication and published literature suggests that it can be been applied to conditions like tendinitis, fasciitis, and epicondylitis. It achieves symptom relief for patients by managing the pain and inflammation associated with these conditions while facilitating regenerative healing of the underlying damaged tissue.
Call us today to start your healing of heel pain.
Call us today to book your appointment